A small downside of being a cinephile (I
have no idea when did I start calling myself that but I think it will do and I am really not complaining as well) is
sometimes feeling that movies do not amuse me as much as they used to. Well,
there was also the fact that I wasn't watching as many movies as I do now as
well. So, it is always easy to win in a less competitive market. But, back then then it
was easy to fall for a movie. Now, I have kind of raised bars for them myself.
But, once in a while, a movie comes along and not only jumps over that bar but
also clears it by fair margin. 12 Angry Men(1957) did that by sweeping
me off my feet, Ian Holm and Sarah Polley did that by telling a very honest
story of loss in The Sweet Hereafter(1997) and so did Waltz with Bashir(2006) by telling a story I never imagined can be told as an
animation. So, even though it is little rare, it is good to come across a movie
which gives you an experience you never had before or forgotten completely
about it. My Man Godfrey(1936) did something similar for me. It made me
laugh out loud so many times that I started thinking about when was the last
time I laughed so much watching the movie for first time. Now, I know that I am
talking about a movie that is more than 75 years old, but it is nice to see a
movie with fresh and healthy sense of humour. They don't make them anymore like
that, do they?

(If you still haven't still watched this movie after more than 75 years after its release, you might want to skip this paragraph. But before that, REALLY ?? You Haven't ? Now that I have seen it, I have all the right to say this to you. Go, Watch it First.) When they meet for the first time, it is
rather evident that Irene is taking an uncharacteristic interest in Godfrey
despite of him being a bum, primarily because she has never seen someone push
her sister on pile of ash. But after she sees Godfrey next day in his best
apparel and manner, she is swept off the floor by him. However, he takes pride
in his proper behaviour and doesn't hesitate to show her the way out, politely
off course. As he goes on going his regular duties, you start to suspect if
there is more to him than what meets your eye as it is later confirmed when one
of the guests for house tea-party recognizes him as Harvard classmate. Off
course, none of the Bullocks realize that he is too good to be a butler since
they are too busy in their own indulges. It appears that Godfrey is the
prodigal son of Bostonian family just like Bullocks but has fallen out of their
graces due to certain affiliation to a woman and now is looking for complete
start-over. During his time in those city dumps, she has developed certain
affection to 'forgotten men' he was with and wishes to somehow make their lives
happier. Now with a well to do college friend by his side, might just be the
right time for him to make that happen.

If you want to pick them, I can pick few
flaws in it as well. There are more of a plot points, but you can say that
Godfrey's plan of city dump a little too simplistic or some pretty slick stock
market plan which almost literally saves Bullock family to come on to the road,
little implausible. Even though I do agree with this, I am ready to discount
this given the slapstick nature of film. And besides, I didn't really mind it
as I was little busy wiping my eyes off with tears of laughter. So, don't bother too much, give it a go
for laugh or two. They say, it makes your life longer !!
Rating(out of 5):