This month of Halloween came with a lot of scares cinematic as well as realistic in the form of Hurricane Sandy hitting the east coast of United States. This whole atmosphere was so infectious that even I, someone who doesn't really see eye-to-eye with Horror genre, tried to assimilate in with a small personal marathon. On
a completely different note for many reasons, this month feels like
month of confessions. As you go through the post below, you will realize
that I admitted so many things that probably some of you will
black-list me for being THAT guy. Let us see how that goes?
Since I started rating movies last month in my reviews, I thought of re-arranging this post as well. So, from this month I am going to club movies based on their ratings.
City of God(2002)(Rewatch): There are very few movies that are as well acted as this one and as I said it here, I have never seen anyone from the whole cast before or after ever again. In my opinion, it is one of the most well acted, well directed, well shot - actually there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There. I said it.
Boogie Nights(1997): I will write about in my next post, Director's piece on PTA but it is one of those movies that makes you want to know How in Hell did he make this movie ? To me it's biggest success is for a movie about porn industry, it isn't a porn itself but for every second in it you know it is about it. I believe that is a very fine line and either way you go, it would have suffered but PTA being PTA kept his balance to perfection. And it works like a wonder but that last shot. I really did not need to see that.
Paths of Glory(1957): I have said it time and again that I am not a traditional Kubrick fan (Confession No. 1). I believe that he made his films weird, acerbic just because he could, there is no real reason to it. But my observation is older Kubrick is more acceptable to me. Well, there are exceptions but mostly. Paths of Glory asserted my belief. It's sharp, it's critical but never cynic. Technical brilliance was always there with Kubrick anyways.
Fargo(1996)(Rewatch): Let me come very clean first (No.2). This is not the first time I am watching Fargo and best part it I did not care about it at all on my first watch, I have no idea why. In my defense, it was long back at the very start of my movie-geek phase. But when I saw it second time I thouroughly LOVED that movie. Most of the Coen Brother trademarks like its tragic plot, all the humour sprinkled in it and off course so many great actors really captivated me this time. BTW, does anyone else feel like there are way too many "Oh Yeah"s in it ?
Shadow of a Doubt(1943): Sometimes it's good to go back to old Hitchcock, you see. Never a bad idea. This one was actually much better than I anticipated. He built up the story so well that even after knowing who is the criminal, circumstances make you question your own judgement until the very end. Ending came very suddenly and didn't really made any impact on me but his build-up up to that ending was phenomenal.
Saw(2004): If you have seen this post, you would know why I am not big on horror as well( No. 3 already). There are very few Horror movies that I feel are worth it and I was so happy that Saw was. Even here, I was never really scared(I went to bed right after and actually over-slept a little) but it grabbed my attention from the word Go! and kept me riveted. It's clever, it's gritty and maybe horror pundits may not think so but for me, it's different.
Oslo, August 31(2012): I don't know much about Anders Danielsen Lie who plays the main character Anders in this and it seems that this is very early in his career but he was phenomenal. His face, his body language speaks so much more than he himself - an always welcome sign in any movie depicting addiction. He made me hate him with passion because only thing more pathetic than a junkie is relapsing junkie but I only mean it as a compliment to his acting. It really captures Anders' slow descent into his old habits subtly but very efficiently.
A Tale of Two Sisters(2003): I remember watching this movie many years ago when I was back at home, on TV. I think I did not see the whole thing because there is no way I won't remember this once I have seen it. To me, best kind of Horror movie is the one that manages to be creepy as well without using jump scares. By any definition possible, this goes into one of the best horror movies I have seen. Now I know that isn't saying much but you really should check it out. I guarantee you, it will be worth your time.
Argo(2012): Since it's release I have heard a lot of talk on Argo and its authenticity. I had no idea about this incidence until I heard of this movie. I have heard a lot of people talking about how many changes did Ben Affleck make from the original story but I don't know the original story. So, I didn't really mind. I know some wanted more politics in it or some kind of social commentary in it. I am fine with that too. So for me, it's only based on what I see on screen and it was fabulous. Definitely one of the best movies of the year.
Your Sister's Sister(2012): Are you surprised to see me rate this so high? I was too. But I really can't help it, it just was awesome. It was super weird, super straight forward and for the most part super awkward(I was like What the hell are you talking about?) but all the three leads won me over time and again. And Rosemarie DeWitt, can someone please at least campaign for her? I don't have a lot of money or else I would pay for that myself. She was amazing.
The Descent(2005): There were around 5 fellow bloggers I have seen talking about this movie this month. So, I checked it out as well and yup, they were right. It is Awesome !! It's intelligent, it's tense, it's bloody and I don't say this often - it is fXXXing scary(Next time I say movies don't scare me, remind me.) It sure isn't the most original story out there but with their group dynamics and Sarah's background story, it works so much better. I am real glad that I checked it out.
Perfect Blue(1997): After watching this movie, it is kind of obvious to see why Aronofsky was so impressed with this movie and inspired to base Black Swan(2010)'s look on it. I have never seen so dark and so rated animation movie in my life. I however like the way it ended. I like that it ended very neatly and didn't go anywhere bizarre. Overall quality of animations could have been better though.
Cabin in The Woods(2012): Let me try and make sense of what I want to say. At the start of the year when this movie was released, everyone said that this is a game-changer movie. I really believe that to be true. I loved the twist that makes it a game-changer and I also enjoyed the movie overall. But despite of it, I am still giving it a mediocre rating. If it wasn't for the ending, I certainly would have rated it a little higher but it dropped half a star the minute they brought GOD into it.
Looper(2012): I can not shake-off the feeling of being a little under-whelmed by it. Maybe it was the excessive praise it received from almost everyone went to see it. It isn't a bad movie at all, it's rather good but looking at everyone going gaga over it, I was expecting something more which I don't think it was. Full review here which also marks first ever back-to-back New Release reviews I did with The Master(2012) review.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy(2011): Reason I wanted to see this movie this month was it apparently featured on the cover of '1001 Movies - 2012 Edition'. As and when I watch it again, which I will because this movie demands it, I might elevate this rating. But right now, I have more questions than answers about this movie. There are so many things that I don't understand right now that it's kinda frustrating. It was aces in the acting department though and probably Harry Potter series is the only other place I have seen so many British actors together.
Poltergeist(1982): I came to this for my Horror Festival with very high recommendations. Almost everyone said that of all the horror classics, it is one of the 'must watch's. I found a lot to like about it but then there were some problems too. Let us just say that while I enjoyed while watching it, there is a good chance I did not like it just as much as most of you did. More here.
Prometheus(2012): I may have shouted "GO TO YOUR LEFT or Right, you Dumb Woman! How can you not see that shape" at the end but not being a big fan of either Alien(1979) or Blade Runner(1982)(another confession, you see), I really didn't expect to like it at all. However despite some of it's flaws, I liked it much more than I thought I would. Having little less expectations always works.
On the Road(2012): Whenever I see a movie based on a book that I have already read, I can never help but compare it with the book and more often than not, that turns out to be an undoing for the movie. Walter Salles' adaptation of Jack Kerouac's probably one of the most read books of the last century, suffers from the same problem. I thought there was a lot to like in this movie; Salles even managed to get few expressions out of Kristen Stewart but in never reaches that madness, that zing you feel while reading book. It feels like he is holding something back where if at all that book is about something, it is about giving yourself completely and unquestionably.
21 Jump Street(2012): There is nothing new or different or fresh about this. This is exactly like, I don't even how many, typical teenage comedy movie made out there. Not that I was expecting anything different from it either. But even then, it made me laugh on more than one occasion and it gets credit for that. And Jonah Hill. He is like Born to do such roles, you know.
His Girl Friday(1940): It's Official. I DO NOT like Cary Grant doing comedies and I like this guy (Yup, I told you). Granted, I have seen only two, this and Arsenic and Old Lace(1941) (I actually remember screaming at the screen while watching this one) but I hated him in both. Rosalind Russell kept this one together for me, she was so much better but give me Cary Grant in a Drama. There were flashes of brilliance but it ended in me beating my forehead. Not For Me.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel(2012): John Madden must have watched a lot of Hindi movies, crappy ones at that while preparing for this movie because this is like every possible bad, contrived, cliched thing that can happen in a typical Bollywood 'Masala Movie' put together in one, just instead of a hunk and damsel in distress, we have all the elderly people. It did have its moments especially with Maggie Smith, I won't deny that but it waned off really quickly.
From Russia, With Love(1963): I have seen few Bond movies as a kid. But the problem is, except Casino Royale(2006) and those with Pierce Brosnon, I really don't remember anything at all. Seeing that some of them are on Instant, I thought of giving them a go before Skyfall(2012). This one felt a little too '60s to me(Did you observe their satellite phones? They were bigger than my laptop). The part where Bond was being an agent held up quite well for me but part where he was suave, ladies man - not so much. Even some of their accents were really distracting, especially Colonel Klebb.
Little Shop of Horrors(1986): From whatever I had heard about this, even before watching this, I knew that this is kind of movie that will not work for everyone. Even though I have been meaning to watch this, I knew that if you could buy into it, you will like it. If not, there is a very good chance you will hate it. I was right and no, I didn't but into it much. It had its moments that I could appreciate and even enjoy but overall, too weird, too campy, too musical-y. A little too much almost everything. Another proof '80s is not for me(Is that too much information ?).
The Day of the Jackal(1973): Based on Frederick Forsyth book, it is pretty much run of the mill story for him. Looking at the plot, I thought it might be a good mystery with a genuine possibility of being something great and it did have rather slow but intriguing start but then it wavered. It makes too many assumptions to overlook them, jumps from A to B with no real connection between them and finally that killer slips out of their hands so many times that I actually wanted him to succeed just to get it over with.
Paprika(2006): To put it simply, one of the worst animes I have seen. Almost for the complete of its runtime, I pretty much had no idea what was happening. It was something that might have looked really great on paper or in someone's mind but while putting it on screen, it was a complete mess. Beautiful mess but a mess. Maybe it was a little too much for its own good.
Halloween(1978): Another Confession Time. Halloween is exactly the kind of a movie that made Horror my least favourite genre. It is very much 'by the book' horror which I find least bit scary, very formulaic, predictable and on the verge stupid. Only concession i am ready to give it is I don't know if there was a movie like this made before it. So, in a way it might have influenced the whole bunch of horror movies made since. Influential, probably yes. Good, Good God No.
Total Count:26. 25 First Time Watches and 1 Re-watches .
Since I started rating movies last month in my reviews, I thought of re-arranging this post as well. So, from this month I am going to club movies based on their ratings.
City of God(2002)(Rewatch): There are very few movies that are as well acted as this one and as I said it here, I have never seen anyone from the whole cast before or after ever again. In my opinion, it is one of the most well acted, well directed, well shot - actually there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. There. I said it.

Boogie Nights(1997): I will write about in my next post, Director's piece on PTA but it is one of those movies that makes you want to know How in Hell did he make this movie ? To me it's biggest success is for a movie about porn industry, it isn't a porn itself but for every second in it you know it is about it. I believe that is a very fine line and either way you go, it would have suffered but PTA being PTA kept his balance to perfection. And it works like a wonder but that last shot. I really did not need to see that.
Paths of Glory(1957): I have said it time and again that I am not a traditional Kubrick fan (Confession No. 1). I believe that he made his films weird, acerbic just because he could, there is no real reason to it. But my observation is older Kubrick is more acceptable to me. Well, there are exceptions but mostly. Paths of Glory asserted my belief. It's sharp, it's critical but never cynic. Technical brilliance was always there with Kubrick anyways.
Fargo(1996)(Rewatch): Let me come very clean first (No.2). This is not the first time I am watching Fargo and best part it I did not care about it at all on my first watch, I have no idea why. In my defense, it was long back at the very start of my movie-geek phase. But when I saw it second time I thouroughly LOVED that movie. Most of the Coen Brother trademarks like its tragic plot, all the humour sprinkled in it and off course so many great actors really captivated me this time. BTW, does anyone else feel like there are way too many "Oh Yeah"s in it ?
Shadow of a Doubt(1943): Sometimes it's good to go back to old Hitchcock, you see. Never a bad idea. This one was actually much better than I anticipated. He built up the story so well that even after knowing who is the criminal, circumstances make you question your own judgement until the very end. Ending came very suddenly and didn't really made any impact on me but his build-up up to that ending was phenomenal.
Saw(2004): If you have seen this post, you would know why I am not big on horror as well( No. 3 already). There are very few Horror movies that I feel are worth it and I was so happy that Saw was. Even here, I was never really scared(I went to bed right after and actually over-slept a little) but it grabbed my attention from the word Go! and kept me riveted. It's clever, it's gritty and maybe horror pundits may not think so but for me, it's different.
Oslo, August 31(2012): I don't know much about Anders Danielsen Lie who plays the main character Anders in this and it seems that this is very early in his career but he was phenomenal. His face, his body language speaks so much more than he himself - an always welcome sign in any movie depicting addiction. He made me hate him with passion because only thing more pathetic than a junkie is relapsing junkie but I only mean it as a compliment to his acting. It really captures Anders' slow descent into his old habits subtly but very efficiently.
A Tale of Two Sisters(2003): I remember watching this movie many years ago when I was back at home, on TV. I think I did not see the whole thing because there is no way I won't remember this once I have seen it. To me, best kind of Horror movie is the one that manages to be creepy as well without using jump scares. By any definition possible, this goes into one of the best horror movies I have seen. Now I know that isn't saying much but you really should check it out. I guarantee you, it will be worth your time.
Argo(2012): Since it's release I have heard a lot of talk on Argo and its authenticity. I had no idea about this incidence until I heard of this movie. I have heard a lot of people talking about how many changes did Ben Affleck make from the original story but I don't know the original story. So, I didn't really mind. I know some wanted more politics in it or some kind of social commentary in it. I am fine with that too. So for me, it's only based on what I see on screen and it was fabulous. Definitely one of the best movies of the year.
Your Sister's Sister(2012): Are you surprised to see me rate this so high? I was too. But I really can't help it, it just was awesome. It was super weird, super straight forward and for the most part super awkward(I was like What the hell are you talking about?) but all the three leads won me over time and again. And Rosemarie DeWitt, can someone please at least campaign for her? I don't have a lot of money or else I would pay for that myself. She was amazing.
The Descent(2005): There were around 5 fellow bloggers I have seen talking about this movie this month. So, I checked it out as well and yup, they were right. It is Awesome !! It's intelligent, it's tense, it's bloody and I don't say this often - it is fXXXing scary(Next time I say movies don't scare me, remind me.) It sure isn't the most original story out there but with their group dynamics and Sarah's background story, it works so much better. I am real glad that I checked it out.
Perfect Blue(1997): After watching this movie, it is kind of obvious to see why Aronofsky was so impressed with this movie and inspired to base Black Swan(2010)'s look on it. I have never seen so dark and so rated animation movie in my life. I however like the way it ended. I like that it ended very neatly and didn't go anywhere bizarre. Overall quality of animations could have been better though.
Cabin in The Woods(2012): Let me try and make sense of what I want to say. At the start of the year when this movie was released, everyone said that this is a game-changer movie. I really believe that to be true. I loved the twist that makes it a game-changer and I also enjoyed the movie overall. But despite of it, I am still giving it a mediocre rating. If it wasn't for the ending, I certainly would have rated it a little higher but it dropped half a star the minute they brought GOD into it.
Looper(2012): I can not shake-off the feeling of being a little under-whelmed by it. Maybe it was the excessive praise it received from almost everyone went to see it. It isn't a bad movie at all, it's rather good but looking at everyone going gaga over it, I was expecting something more which I don't think it was. Full review here which also marks first ever back-to-back New Release reviews I did with The Master(2012) review.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy(2011): Reason I wanted to see this movie this month was it apparently featured on the cover of '1001 Movies - 2012 Edition'. As and when I watch it again, which I will because this movie demands it, I might elevate this rating. But right now, I have more questions than answers about this movie. There are so many things that I don't understand right now that it's kinda frustrating. It was aces in the acting department though and probably Harry Potter series is the only other place I have seen so many British actors together.
Poltergeist(1982): I came to this for my Horror Festival with very high recommendations. Almost everyone said that of all the horror classics, it is one of the 'must watch's. I found a lot to like about it but then there were some problems too. Let us just say that while I enjoyed while watching it, there is a good chance I did not like it just as much as most of you did. More here.
Prometheus(2012): I may have shouted "GO TO YOUR LEFT or Right, you Dumb Woman! How can you not see that shape" at the end but not being a big fan of either Alien(1979) or Blade Runner(1982)(another confession, you see), I really didn't expect to like it at all. However despite some of it's flaws, I liked it much more than I thought I would. Having little less expectations always works.
On the Road(2012): Whenever I see a movie based on a book that I have already read, I can never help but compare it with the book and more often than not, that turns out to be an undoing for the movie. Walter Salles' adaptation of Jack Kerouac's probably one of the most read books of the last century, suffers from the same problem. I thought there was a lot to like in this movie; Salles even managed to get few expressions out of Kristen Stewart but in never reaches that madness, that zing you feel while reading book. It feels like he is holding something back where if at all that book is about something, it is about giving yourself completely and unquestionably.

21 Jump Street(2012): There is nothing new or different or fresh about this. This is exactly like, I don't even how many, typical teenage comedy movie made out there. Not that I was expecting anything different from it either. But even then, it made me laugh on more than one occasion and it gets credit for that. And Jonah Hill. He is like Born to do such roles, you know.
His Girl Friday(1940): It's Official. I DO NOT like Cary Grant doing comedies and I like this guy (Yup, I told you). Granted, I have seen only two, this and Arsenic and Old Lace(1941) (I actually remember screaming at the screen while watching this one) but I hated him in both. Rosalind Russell kept this one together for me, she was so much better but give me Cary Grant in a Drama. There were flashes of brilliance but it ended in me beating my forehead. Not For Me.
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel(2012): John Madden must have watched a lot of Hindi movies, crappy ones at that while preparing for this movie because this is like every possible bad, contrived, cliched thing that can happen in a typical Bollywood 'Masala Movie' put together in one, just instead of a hunk and damsel in distress, we have all the elderly people. It did have its moments especially with Maggie Smith, I won't deny that but it waned off really quickly.
From Russia, With Love(1963): I have seen few Bond movies as a kid. But the problem is, except Casino Royale(2006) and those with Pierce Brosnon, I really don't remember anything at all. Seeing that some of them are on Instant, I thought of giving them a go before Skyfall(2012). This one felt a little too '60s to me(Did you observe their satellite phones? They were bigger than my laptop). The part where Bond was being an agent held up quite well for me but part where he was suave, ladies man - not so much. Even some of their accents were really distracting, especially Colonel Klebb.
Little Shop of Horrors(1986): From whatever I had heard about this, even before watching this, I knew that this is kind of movie that will not work for everyone. Even though I have been meaning to watch this, I knew that if you could buy into it, you will like it. If not, there is a very good chance you will hate it. I was right and no, I didn't but into it much. It had its moments that I could appreciate and even enjoy but overall, too weird, too campy, too musical-y. A little too much almost everything. Another proof '80s is not for me(Is that too much information ?).
The Day of the Jackal(1973): Based on Frederick Forsyth book, it is pretty much run of the mill story for him. Looking at the plot, I thought it might be a good mystery with a genuine possibility of being something great and it did have rather slow but intriguing start but then it wavered. It makes too many assumptions to overlook them, jumps from A to B with no real connection between them and finally that killer slips out of their hands so many times that I actually wanted him to succeed just to get it over with.
Paprika(2006): To put it simply, one of the worst animes I have seen. Almost for the complete of its runtime, I pretty much had no idea what was happening. It was something that might have looked really great on paper or in someone's mind but while putting it on screen, it was a complete mess. Beautiful mess but a mess. Maybe it was a little too much for its own good.
Halloween(1978): Another Confession Time. Halloween is exactly the kind of a movie that made Horror my least favourite genre. It is very much 'by the book' horror which I find least bit scary, very formulaic, predictable and on the verge stupid. Only concession i am ready to give it is I don't know if there was a movie like this made before it. So, in a way it might have influenced the whole bunch of horror movies made since. Influential, probably yes. Good, Good God No.
Total Count:26. 25 First Time Watches and 1 Re-watches .
2012 YTD Count
Total Count: 273. 256
First Time Watches and 17 Re-watches.
So, with the end of the year approaching now, we are getting a horde of Oscar contenders in coming weeks. It's really exciting to see that almost every single week from now, we will have at least one movie hitting the theaters that might as well be the big hitter in the award season. Even I have shifted my gears in to 2012 mode now(what I mean by that is I am watching more and more 2012 movies now). I have already seen a dozen this month. I expect that it will continue in the next 2-3 months to come, might even go up a little. I have also started to keep a little track of awards prediction now that they will start to make some sense. It will be the first time that I will go into the award season with a little preparation myself rather than always catching up with them, like I had to last year. Personally, at around the halfway mark of the year, I decided to aim for 300 movies in a year. I still have two more months to go but looking at the current speed, I think I will reach their safely.
Happy Halloween Everyone !! And make sure you wish Large Association of Movie Blogs(LAMB) that makes it possible for all movie bloggers like us to communicate with each other, Happy 5th today !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAMB !!
Happy Halloween Everyone !! And make sure you wish Large Association of Movie Blogs(LAMB) that makes it possible for all movie bloggers like us to communicate with each other, Happy 5th today !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAMB !!
So, how was your month ? Did you see anything interesting ? What do you think of the movies I saw ? Any favorites ?